Asti, my brother’s GF

Even though she has a personality to die for, I’m really struggling to find the words to describe her. Partly because, yes, I don’t want to sound cheesy or corny, but also because the superlative of any positive adjective wouldn’t still do justice to her.
OK. What I most value about Asti is the way she speaks to people, looking you in the eye as if there is nothing more important in the world that very moment than your ramblings about the weather, lawnmowers, fattening desserts, or anything.
She is the favourite of all children alike, never missing a chance for a mini soccer match (even though she is a ballerina, for cryin’ out loud!) or reading a good Star Wars comic book.
And she has a nail polish collection to die for.
Anyways, I bet (actually I know it for sure 😉 ) our whole family, extended as far and wide as possible, is over the moon to have her with us.
Oh, and BTW, the hairy dude in the pictures is my brother.