Mikaela & Patrik – Wedding on Kökar, Åland – vol. 1

[intro]If you don’t have a sailboat or a friend that owns one, it takes the better part of 2 days to get to Kökar from Estonia. It’s a 2,5h ferry ride away from the Finnish mainland, same from the main islands of Åland.[/intro]
But it was totally worth it. If you are looking for cliff-lined vistas and hidden beaches, this is the place.
This is part 1 of the story of Mikaela & Patrik. The island is where Patrik spent his childhood. So it was a day with people close to them, in a place close to them.
The getting-ready was not what you would see in a busy hotel room. More like 2 close-by family homes filled with chit-chat, laughter and a touch of nervousness where Patrik got ready 😉
Thank heavens there is youtube in case you need to tie a double windsor 😉
Stay tuned for part 2 of Mikaela & Patrik’s wedding!