Kristi & Lauri – family portrait shoot in Piusa

We’ve been friends with Kristi and Lauri for 10 years (well, Sigrid, for a little longer, but in our age who’s counting anyways!). It has been one hell of a decade to look back on, both in the lives of these two troopers as well as our own. We’re all married (finally :D)! We’ve grown into responsible adult status – some better than others! Our hair colour and interests have changed, but there are things that will hopefully stay the way they are for ever.
1. We will forever make plans for summer vacations, even when we know they don’t fit into anyone’s calendars!
2. Kristi and Lauri will remain in love till the end of time!
3. We’ll keep making new memories together! (Remember JuuJääb, our epic trip on Vormsi or the sandy one in Piusa)
4. Kristi will always be online in messenger willing to chat with Sigrid, even when they’ve spent the whole day together!
We love you guys!