
Mikaela & Patrik – Wedding on Kökar, Åland – vol. 1

[intro]If you don’t have a sailboat or a friend that owns one, it takes the better part of 2 days to get to Kökar from Estonia. It’s a 2,5h ferry ride away from the Finnish mainland, same from the main islands of Åland.[/intro] But it was totally worth it. If you are looking for cliff-lined vistas and hidden beaches, this is the place. This is part 1 of the story of Mikaela & Patrik. The island is where Patrik spent […]


A brilliant summer eve with Maria & Martin

As it occasionally happens in this part of te world there are some summer evenings when you are left untouched by rain, or as some people like to call it, light showers. On one of those evenings our dedicated crew of two set out for a pre-wedding shoot. Having reached the designated spot we were met by a stunning view while a certain air of adventure a.k.a horse poop reminded us to watch our step. And then there were the […]


Asti, my brother’s GF

Even though she has a personality to die for, I’m really struggling to find the words to describe her. Partly because, yes, I don’t want to sound cheesy or corny, but also because the superlative of any positive adjective wouldn’t still do justice to her. OK. What I most value about Asti is the way she speaks to people, looking you in the eye as if there is nothing more important in the world that very moment than your ramblings […]
